GranteeOrganization: The National Cancer Institute
Term: January 2013 – present
Dr. Rodriguez is a co-investigator of this project and collaborates with academic partners in this National Cancer Institute-funded demonstration project examining of the impact of electronic PRO implementation in a pragmatic trial of collecting and using patient-reported outcomes in...
Grantee Organization: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Term: September, 2010-September, 2013
The aims of this project are to compare the effectiveness of 1) office-based medical assistant panel managers and 2) community-based health workers on improving diabetes care quality, patient self-management, and patients’ experiences of primary care.
Grantee Organization: The Commonwealth Foundation - In Collaboration with Harvard University and RAND
Term: May 2013 – November 2014
This project seeks to measure the range of patients’ perceptions of integrated care in a national sample using the Patient Perceptions of Integrated Care (PPIC) survey, a 62 item survey now in its second revision (version 2.0) that...
Grantee Organization: The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Term: March 2013 – July 2014
Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, this project will examine the role to be played by patients and their families in their own care and in influencing the behavior of health care professionals associated with the evolving Accountable...
Grantee Organization: University of California Office of the President and the Safeway Foundation
Term: 2009-present
This groundbreaking project involves 150,000 women in a California-wide collaboration for breast cancer patients with the goal of revolutionizing the course of their care by designing and testing new approaches to research, technology,...
Grantee Organization: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Term: May 2011 – July 2013
The third round of the National Study of Physician Organizations (NSPO3) collected extensive data from physician practices of all sizes. These data are being used to examine the relationship between the structures of physician practices and the extent to...
Grantee Organization: The Commonwealth Foundation Sub-contract from Dartmouth University
Term: January 2013 – December 2014
This project has two main research aims: 1) to advance our understanding of ACO implementation, including a focus on the treatment and management of high cost, high need patients, through a mixed-method approach...
Grantee Organization: The Practice-Based Research Network of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Term: September 2014- August 2016
Project DIRECT aimed to closely examine local public health systems in California and Alabama for variation in STD service provision. Specifically, we examined variation in the differentiation, integration,...
The purpose of this project is to conduct an environmental scan and evidence review of tools and measures used to engage patients and families in their care in ways that lead to improvements in clinical and business outcomes. Tools and measures to assess patient engagement among low-income and...
Grantee Organization: The California Health and Human Services Agency
Term: June – December 2016
The project begins with a literature review and an environmental scan of current data sharing practices, both within California and nationally, that would be applicable for an Accountable Community for Health (ACH) type...